Guidelines for Authors welcomes contributions from writers on areas of interest. These areas cover: Health & Fitness, Career & Skill, Lifestyle, Money & Finances and Your Planet. We try to keep is straightforward, but there are a few guidelines and conditions:

  1. Articles must be well written in standard business English and formatted in a manner suitable for online publication. Limit the use of acronyms and avoid slang. Try to keep the sentences and paragraphs short and avoid jargon or highly specialised or technical words. If this is not possible, make sure you explain what you mean.
  2. The subject matter should be of current interest but not ephemeral. If the topic is unlikely to remain of interest for at least the next few years, it’s not suitable.
  3. The style is formal, but not overly so. Academic articles are not suitable, but you should provide references, sources and back-up for facts and arguments. Hopefully it goes without saying, but you must avoid slander, scandal, gossip and the like. The articles already on the site are a good guide to what is required.
  4. The minimum word limit is 300; there’s no maximum word limit but keep the article’s length to within what you would read in 20 minutes. You should also provide a short extract of about 30 words. You may provide royalty-free photos to illustrate the article, but this is not mandatory.
  5. Avoid sales pitches or self-promotion. Don’t try to promote a product or service. You will be credited for the article and you may provide a few links to other examples of your writing, but the site is not a storefront.

There are also a few conditions:

  1. It is totally at our discretion whether or not to publish an article on the site. We will let you know either way.
  2. By submitting an article with a view to publication you confer on the right to publish that article without further interaction. However, we will usually contact you before the article goes ‘live’.
  3. We may make minor editorial and formatting changes to the article and may publish photos to illustrate the article. You will have a chance to review these before publication.
  4. If you submit an article and it is published, but then change your mind, let us know in writing and we will remove it from the site.

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